Assisted Living Facilities Laundry Service

Highly Efficient, Sanitization Laundry Service

Are you ready to put the fun back into laundry and let Purple Hamper revolutionize your laundry experience? Because we're about to take your laundry game to a whole new level of convenience and awesomeness!

We understand that running an Assisted Living Facility is no easy task. You've got a million things on your plate, from caring for your amazing residents to managing the daily operations. That's where Purple Hamper swoops in to save the day! We're here to make your laundry worries disappear faster than that missing sock in a washing machine vortex.

Picture this: our Purple Hamper service will not only take care of all your facility's laundry needs, but we'll also ensure that everything is sanitized, freshly folded, and ready to be delivered. We'll even package them up in a way that will make you smile. Because, let's face it, laundry should be fun, right?

And guess what? We totally get that laundry is a vital part of keeping your facility clean and germ-free. With Purple Hamper on your side, you can rest assured that your linens - from bed sheets to towels - will be treated with the utmost care. We'll follow your preferences for washing, folding or hanging, and rinsing frequencies. It's like having your very own laundry genie!

So, let's banish laundry stress from your life and embrace the purplistic power of Purple Hamper. Delegate your laundry worries to us and watch as we make laundry magic happen. Your residents will be cozy in freshly laundered linens, and you'll have more time to focus on providing them with the exceptional care they deserve.

Join the Purple Hamper revolution today, and let's turn your laundry woes into laundry WOOHOOs! It's time to make laundry a breeze, one Assisted Living Facility at a time. Get ready for the purplest of laundry adventures!

Hospital Grade Washers

Our washers are engineered to handle the toughest messes.

Sanitizing Agent

Ozone system kills any bacteria or viruses present in the linens.

Stain Removers

We add extra step to make sure to remove stains on fabric.

High-Efficiency Dryers

Dry linens in a timely manner so that they do not get moldy or mildewed.

Eco-Friendly Detergents

Safe for use with all fabrics but specifically designed for hospital use.


We offer laundry pick-up and delivery services for no additional cost.

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