Purple Hamper Promotions

Welcome to Purple Hamper Promotions - where we're all about spreading the joy of laundry with some seriously amazing deals!

what we offer

Heroes Discount

We honor our real-life superheroes! We're proud to offer a fantastic 10% discount to all military personnel, first-responders, police officers, firefighters, and teachers. You guys rock, and we want to show our gratitude for your incredible service to the community. It's our little way of saying "thank you!"

what we offer

Loyalty Perks

We're all about spoiling our loyal customers with love and clean clothes! For every 10th use of our service, you'll enjoy a FREE wash-dry-fold on us. Yes, you heard that right. It's like magic, but without the wands or rabbits. Just pure laundry bliss!

what we OFFER

Refer a Friend

Spread the Purple Hamper love like confetti! For every friend you refer to us, who then jumps on board and uses our amazing service, we'll shower you with a $25 off coupon. But hey, the goodies don't stop there! Your friend also gets to enjoy a sweet $25 off their first experience with us. #WinWin

what we offer

FREE Laundry Bag

Remember, this offer is exclusively for our new recurring customers, because once you join the Purple Hamper family, we're here to make laundry feel like a breeze, every time!